FISM Grand Prix Act - Ribbon 緞帶

Eric Chien (Taiwan) 2018 FISM Grand Prix Act Close-Up Winner - Ribbon

The International Federation of Magic Societies (FISM) (Fédération Internationale des Sociétés Magiques) was founded in 1948 and is one of the most respected organizations in the magic community. It is an international body coordinating dozens of national and international clubs and federations around the world. Together these clubs represent approximately 50,000 magicians from 50 countries as of 2015. The organization hosts a self-named "FISM" conference every three years, where magicians compete for "Best of" categories.

The most recent FISM was in 2018, held in Busan, South Korea. Founded in 1948, it is one of the most recognized magic organizations in the magic circle. Currently, there are more than 80 member organizations and about 50,000 members from 50 countries and regions, including Taiwan’s Black Hat Magic Association and the Taiwan Magic Development Association (TMA). Another 808 magic item shop is also in the process Apply for membership.

The FISM organizes a worldwide magic convention every three years. The member organizations fight for the right to host. Top magicians from all over the world will compete for the title of “World Magic Champion”. Prior to this, various regions will hold regional selections. FISM Europe, FISM Asia, FISM North America, FISM Latin America, FISM Africa, FISM Oceania, and member organizations have the quotas recommended by their regional selection committees. Wikipedia

國際魔術組織聯盟(The International Federation of Magic Societies,縮寫:FISM)創立於1948年,是魔術界公認的權威魔術組織之一。目前擁有來自五十個國家和地區超過八十個會員組織和约五萬名會員,其中包括台灣的黑帽魔術協會與台灣魔術發展協會(TMA)兩個組織,另外808魔術道具店也正在著手申請入會中。 FISM組織每三年舉行世界性的魔術大會,由會員組織爭取主辦權,世界各地頂尖的魔術師將在此角逐“世界魔術冠軍”的稱號;在此之前,各地區也會舉辦地區性的選拔會FISM Europe、FISM Asia、FISM North America、FISM Latin America、FISM Africa、FISM Oceania,會員組織則擁有所屬地區選拔會推薦參賽的名額。

在FISM的比賽規則中,可分為舞台(Stage)以及近距離(Close-up)兩個領域;再往下細分,舞台領域下有一般部門(General Magic)、手法部門(Manipulation)、心靈魔術部門(Mentalism)、喜劇部門(Comedy)、大型幻術部門(Stage Illusions);近距離領域下則有廳堂魔術部門(Parlour Magic)、近距離紙牌部門(Close-up Cards)、微型魔術部門(Micromagic);除此之外還有魔術發明獎(Invention)和最佳原創魔術獎(Original),最後每個部門的冠軍再角逐舞台以及近距離兩個領域的總冠軍(Grand Prix)。

The Beauty of China 中国之美

Suez Canal 意大利 - 迪拜

Iberia Passage 英國 - 佛羅里達

Friendly Shandong 青島 - 濰坊

Old Hong Kong 老香港

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