"Butterfly Lovers" Piano Solo: Elaine Wu
《梁祝》鋼琴獨奏 編曲暨演奏 巫漪麗老師
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Mdm Elaine Wu is part of the first generation of Chinese pianists and has pursued a music career for the past eight decades. She was also a piano child prodigy at the age of 6 and she went on to study under the world-renowned Italian musician and piano educator Maestro Mario Paci (1878-1946). She is peer to older reknown musicians 吳樂懿、朱工一、周廣仁、傅聰. At 18, her debut public performance of Beethoven Piano Concerto No.1 with the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra earned her critical acclaim. She was concert solo pianist and chamber music performer to Shanghai Symphony Orchestra and later, Central Philharmonic Society of China in Beijing in 1954. In 1962, she was conferred the status of national first-class pianist. "Music is alive and powerful . It can guide people to the right path," says Wu. Aside from music, Wu also has a deep love for the arts, including literature, art and philosophy. She says that knowledge of these subjects have enriched her music and added depth t o her performances.
巫漪丽女士生于1931年是中国第一代钢琴家、中国钢琴启蒙人之一。 6岁习琴,18岁便成为上海滩夺目的钢琴演奏家;她师从世界钢琴大师李斯特的再传弟子、意大利著名音乐家梅百器,与中国老一辈钢琴家吴乐懿、朱工一、周广仁、傅聪同门学艺;她在1962年被评为国家一级钢琴演奏家。18岁那年,她在上海兰心大戏院首次和上海交响乐团合作,演奏贝多芬第一钢琴协奏曲,全场轰动。1954年,她离开上海交响乐团加入北京中央乐团。她长期定居新加坡,担任多个合唱团体的伴奏。
巫漪丽认为,音乐是有生命的,更是有营养的,它可以引领人们走上正道。因此,作为一个真正的演奏家,不应单纯炫技,还要增加更多的学识储备,如文学、艺术、哲学等,以丰富自己的音乐涵养,这样演奏才更有深度、更有感染力。 她是著名的《梁山伯与祝英台》小提琴协奏曲钢琴部分的首创及首演者。
Old Hong Kong 老香港
The Beauty of China 中国之美
Photography 影藝
Provence, France 馬賽-里昂
Switzerland 巴塞爾-琉森-蘇黎世
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