COVID-19 is Here to Stay, But There is Hope

Los Angeles Times: The Science Behind the Coronavirus, Series II

In this second installment of our “The Science Behind the Coronavirus” series, Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong, the executive chairman of the Los Angeles Times, continues his examination of the ways the scientific community is taking up the battle against COVID-19.

Soon-Shiong (MD, MBBCh, MSc, FRCS (C), FACS) begins his presentation with a warning: The virus is continuing to mutate and is here to stay. But, Soon-Shiong adds, there is hope. Over an introduction and six parts, Soon-Shiong explains how scientists around the world are considering treating patients suffering from stages of COVID-19.

Finally, Soon-Shiong breaks down the medical concepts researchers are pondering as they search for a vaccine. Soon-Shiong is a surgeon and scientist who has spent his career studying the human immune system to fight cancer and infectious diseases. He is also the chairman and chief executive of NantWorks and the owner of or investor in a number of companies, including ImmunityBio and NantKwest, which are currently researching immunotherapies for COVID-19.

Los Angeles Times: The Science Behind the Coronavirus, Series I

Dr. Patrick Soon-Shiong, the executive chairman of the Los Angeles Times, offers an overview of our special series, The Science Behind the Coronavirus.

In this introduction, Soon-Shiong (MD, MBBCh, MSc, FRCS (C), FACS) proposes that understanding how the virus infects our bodies and strategies toward treatment can help us allay our anxiety about it. Soon-Shiong is a surgeon and scientist who has spent his career studying the human immune system to fight cancer and infectious diseases.

He is also the chairman and CEO of NantWorks and the owner of or investor in a number of companies, including ImmunityBio and NantKwest which are currently researching immunotherapies for COVID-19.

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