Japan Sushi Journey 築地魚市場

Best Sushi in Japan - Tsukiji Fish Market (築地魚市場) to $300 HIGH-END SUSHI in Tokyo! 

 "Best Sushi in Japan", I'm not saying this particular restaurant is the best sushi in Japan, but that the sushi journey, from Tsukiji fish auction, to the middle man who the best sushi chefs in the world get their tuna from (where we visited), to the omakase style of eating sushi - it's the entire process that's the best in the world of sushi.  


Suez Canal 意大利 - 迪拜

Iberia Passage 英國 - 佛羅里達

Friendly Shandong 青島 - 濰坊

Old Hong Kong 老香港

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