DESSERTO Cactus Vegan Leather

DESSERTO is a highly sustainable plant based vegan-leather made from cactus, often distinguished by its great softness to touch while offering great performance for a wide variety of applications and complying with the most rigorous quality and environmental standards. developed by two Mexicans who used to work in the automotive and fashion industries — where they identified strong environmental impact in both sectors — this vegan leather aims to offer a cruel-free and sustainable alternative, without toxic chemicals, phthalates and PVC.

DESSERTO 是一種由仙人掌製成的高度可持續的植物性純素皮革,通常以其觸感柔軟而著稱,同時為各種應用提供出色的性能,並符合最嚴格的質量和環境標準。由曾在汽車和時尚行業工作的兩名墨西哥人開發——他們發現這兩個行業對環境影響很大——這種純素皮革旨在提供一種無殘忍和可持續的替代品,不含有毒化學物質、鄰苯二甲酸鹽和聚氯乙烯

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