A Brighter New Year - Choi & Leung

A Brighter New Year - Lyrics by Francis Choi and Connie Leung

Francis Choi adapted the original song Auld Lang Syne, together with Jean Chang and Connie Leung, wrote new lyrics in Mandarin as 「手牽手迎新年」 and English as "A Brighter New Year", to encourage people to walk hand in hand into the new year of 2022. 

Verse 1:
Should all the faces be forgot,
And never brought to mind,
Days of lock down, loved ones apart,
Hugs became a click online.

Chorus 1:
My friend, remember you’re not alone,
We shared the tears and sighs.
We’ll join our hands to walk ahead,
Wait ‘n see the sun will rise!

Verse 2:
Oh friends, I wish you peace and well 
Though the darkness filled our world.
Though COVID raged our land, 
With love in faith still strong we stand.

Chorus 2:
My friend, remember you’re not alone,
We shared the tears and sighs.
We’ll join our hands to walk ahead,
Brighter New Year ahead be thine! 

Verse 3:
Oh friends, we shared the tears and fear
When the virus swamped our land.
With love and kindness heal the wound,
Hope is here to fill our land!

Chorus 3:
With all of us, we’re not alone
To face the trials that rise!
With faith and love, we’re not alone
Brighter New Year ahead be thine!

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