Soviet Union 蘇聯解體 時序


A picture to understand the chronological sequence of the disintegration of the Soviet Union


1990年3月11日,立陶宛 Lithuania 獨立
1991年8月20日,愛沙尼亞  Estonia 獨立
1991年8月22日,拉脫維亞 Latvia 獨立

隨後,加里寧格勒 Kaliningrad 成為“飛地”
1991年8月24日,烏克蘭 Ukraine 獨立
1991年8月25日,白俄羅斯 Belarus 獨立
1991年8月27日,摩爾多瓦 Moldova 獨立

1991年4月9日,格魯吉亞 Georgia 獨立(格魯吉亞,斯大林的故鄉)
1991年8月30日,阿塞拜疆 Azerbaijan 獨立
1991年9月23日,亞美尼亞 Armenia 獨立
1991年8月31日,烏茲別克斯坦 Uzbekistan 獨立

同日,吉爾吉斯斯坦 Kyrgyzstan 獨立
1991年10月27日,土庫曼斯坦 Turkmenistan 獨立
1991年12月16日,哈薩克斯坦 Kazakhstan 獨立
1990年6月12日,俄羅斯 Russia 第一個獨立。 。 。

On March 11, 1990, Lithuania became independent
Estonia became independent on August 20, 1991
On August 22, 1991, Latvia became independent

Subsequently, Kaliningrad became an "enclave"
August 24, 1991, Ukraine became independent
August 25, 1991, Belarus became independent
Independence of Moldova on August 27, 1991

Georgia became independent on April 9, 1991 (Georgia, home of Stalin)
Azerbaijan became independent on August 30, 1991
Armenia became independent on September 23, 1991
Independence of Uzbekistan on August 31, 1991

On the same day, Kyrgyzstan became independent
Turkmenistan became independent on October 27, 1991
Kazakhstan became independent on December 16, 1991
On June 12, 1990, Russia became the first independent country. . .

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