Hamamatsu Park 濱松花卉公園

Cherry blossoms - Tulips and Double-flowered cherry trees

Hamamatsu Flower Park 濱松花卉公園
Park with spring & summer displays of wisteria & tulips, plus illumination in cherry blossom season.
QJ7M+27 Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan
〒431-1209 静岡県浜松市西区舘山寺町 195番地

Flowers in Video below:

0:00  Unit-1 Tulips and Double-flowered cherry trees1
ネモフィラ Nemophila Baby blue eyes
御所御車返し GosyoMikurumaGaeshi(cherry tree)
八重紅大島 YaeBeniOshima(cherry tree)
衣通姫 SotoOriHime(cherry tree)
紅南殿 BeniNaden(cherry tree)
里原 Satohara(cherry tree)
類嵐(タグイアラシ) TaguiArashi(cherry tree)
ミツバツツジ Rhododendron dilatatum (Mitsuba Tsutsuji)

8:17 Unit-2 Tulips and Double-flowered cherry trees2
紅枝垂 BeniShidare(cherry tree) 
御帝吉野  MikadoYoshino(cherry tree) 
吉野枝垂 YoshinoShidare(cherry tree) 
手弱女 (cherry tree)  

12:07 Unit-3 Tulips and Double-flowered cherry trees3
八重紅枝垂 YaeBeniShidare(cherry tree)
馬路 Umaji(cherry tree)
八重大島 YaeOshima(cherry tree)
一葉 IchiYo(cherry tree)

14:45 Unit-4 Tulips and Double-flowered cherry trees4
法明寺 HoMyoJi(cherry tree)
浦和 Urawa(cherry tree)
大原渚桜 OharaNagisaZakura(cherry tree)
紅豊 BeniYutaka(cherry tree)
伊豆吉野 IzuYoshino(cherry tree)
御車返し MikurumaGaeshi(cherry tree)
野々宮 NonoMiya(cherry tree)

22:13 Unit-5 Tulips and Double-flowered cherry trees5
三島桜 MishimaZakura(cherry tree)
思川 OmoiGawa(cherry tree)
浜名湖手毬 HamanakoTemari(cherry tree)
太白 TaiHaku(cherry tree)

30:26 Unit-6 Tulips and Double-flowered cherry trees6
早生都 WaseMiyako(cherry tree)
白妙 ShiroTae(cherry tree)
雨宿 AmaYadori(cherry tree)
紅吉野 BeniYoshino(cherry tree)
ソメイヨシノ SomeiYoshino(cherry tree)

34:29 Mishima Taisha Shrine 三嶋大社 https://bit.ly/3LD0ozF

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