Michelle Yeoh Addresses HLS 楊紫瓊

Michelle Yeoh 楊紫瓊 Addresses the Harvard Law School Class of 2023

On May 24, Michelle Yeoh, Academy-award winning actress, advocate, and United Nations Development Programme Goodwill ambassador, offered the HLS Class of 2023 some advice during the Class Day celebration on Wednesday as they were poised to dive into “a presumably bright but unpredictable future.”

5月24日,奧斯卡獲獎女演員、宣導者和聯合國開發計劃署親善大使楊紫瓊(Michelle Yeoh)在週三的班級日慶祝活動中向HLS 2023屆畢業生提供了一些建議,因為他們準備潛入“一個可能光明但不可預測的未來”。

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