Phantom Of The Opera - 自得琴社

《劇院魅影》- 自得琴社,一起感受超越國界的音樂力量
The Phantom Of The Opera Performed By Chinese Instruments - Zide Guqin Studio

傳說,19世紀,一幅來自東方的古畫漂洋過海來到巴黎,被歌劇院裡的一位戴著面具的“幽靈”收藏。 每當月圓之夜,畫中人便會從畫里走出來,帶著來自中國的樂器,來探望這個孤獨的靈魂。 燭影搖曳,笙簫奏起,幽暗的密室頓時熱鬧起來。 

他,就是劇院魅影嗎? 這段傳奇故事,又再一起被提起......  

自得琴社,是中國最獨特的國風樂團。 2014年10月8日,一群青年演奏家因熱愛中 國傳統文化而相聚,自得琴社就此誕生。 古琴作為中國最古老的樂器之一,深沉內斂,深得歷代文人雅士的喜愛,然而也常因「曲 高和寡」,僅被小眾欣賞。 

在千百年後的今天,古琴隨自得琴社的視頻“漂洋過海”,在全世 界掀起“古畫音樂”風潮,被百萬不同文化背景的外國友人所喜愛。 自得琴社的視頻里,成 員身著考究的中國傳統服飾演奏民樂,妝容精緻,恍如畫中人。 中國的崑曲、古典舞蹈也常 與音樂共同演繹這東方之美,引無數中外網友驚豔道「中國文化是如此獨特而美麗! “,更有 外國網友因自得琴社而對中國文化產生興趣,甚至開始學習中國民樂。 古琴是中國文化的縮影之一,音樂是世界人民的共同語言。 自得琴社秉持著傳播中國優 秀傳統文化的初心,希望中國傳統高雅藝術能走下神壇,走入生活,走向世界。

Legend has it that in the 19th century, an ancient painting from the East traveled across the sea to Paris and was collected by a masked "ghost" in the opera house. Every night when the moon is full, the person in the painting will come out of the painting and bring musical instruments from China to visit this lonely soul. The candle shadow flickered, the flute played, and the dark secret room suddenly became lively. 

Crossing the gap between time and region, the people in the painting understand the voice of the "ghost" through music, and listen to the "ghost" telling ancient stories... 
Is he the Phantom of the Theater? This legendary story was brought up .again ...

Zide Guqin Studio is an outstanding traditional instrumental ensemble in China. It was founded on October 8, 2014, by a group of young musicians who gathered together because of their shared love for traditional Chinese culture. The guqin is one of the oldest musical instruments in China. It is lofty and tranquil and was favored by the literati throughout Chinese history. Because of its loftiness, the instrument has oftentimes been only appreciated by a small number of people. 

Today, the guqin has crossed the ocean with music videos produced by Zide, introducing a style of “music in old paintings.” These videos have been enthusiastically welcomed by millions of viewers of different cultural backgrounds from all over the world. In the videos, musicians play Chinese instruments, wearing costumes and makeup in ancient styles. Zide Qinshe, with the aim of transmitting traditional Chinese culture, wishes to bring classical Chinese arts into everyday life and introduce it to the whole world

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