Chronic Kidney Decease 腎臟排毒

10 of the best foods to detox your kidneys 腎臟排毒

無論您想預防還是控制腎臟疾病,這裡都有 10 種最適合腎臟排毒的食物。腎臟疾病是影響世界約 10% 人口的常見問題。腎臟負責過濾廢物、釋放調節血壓的激素、平衡體內液體、產生尿液以及許多其他重要任務。因此,您必須小心並吃對腎臟健康有益的食物。一旦出現腎臟損傷,鈉、鉀、磷和蛋白質是首要關注的問題,但還有更多需要考慮的因素。

Here are 10 of the best foods to detox your kidneys no matter if you want to prevent or manage kidney disease. Kidney disease is a common problem affecting about 10% of the world’s population. Kidneys are responsible for filtering waste products, releasing hormones that regulate blood pressure, balancing fluids in the body, producing urine, and many other essential tasks. So you have to take care and eat what is right for your kidney health. Sodium, potassium, phosphorus and protein are the top concerns once there is kidney damage, but there is so much more to consider.

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