Jeffrey Sachs: A Pathway to Peace

Jeffrey Sachs - A Pathway to Peace  

In a world where conflicts and misunderstanding are prevalent, what is a suitable pathway to peace? For Jeffrey Sachs, American economist and professor at Columbia University, arrogance poses a huge threat to global peace. He believes that the wisdom of Confucius and other ancient sages can provide adequate solutions. How can ancient wisdom bring about peace and contribute to global governance? What universal values can be found in Confucian thoughts? 

在衝突和誤解盛行的世界,什麼是通往和平的適當途徑?對美國經濟學家、哥倫比亞大學教授傑弗裡‧薩克斯來說,傲慢對全球和平構成了巨大威脅。他相信孔子和其他古代聖人的智慧可以提供充分的解決方案。古老的智慧如何帶來和平並為全球治理做出貢獻?儒家思想中有哪些普世價值?在《中國談話》中,傑弗瑞‧薩克斯 (Jeffrey Sachs) 分享了他的見解。


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