Summary of Fei-Fei Li's keynote speech at the Paris AI Summit. The title translates to: "Li Fei-Fei's Full Keynote Speech at the Paris AI Summit Opening Ceremony: The Future of Artificial Intelligence, from Perception to Action, Building Human-Centered AI".
The Future of AI is Human-Centered: Li Fei-Fei emphasizes that the future of AI should be focused on benefiting humanity and serving human needs. AI should be designed and developed with human values and goals at the forefront.
From Perception to Action: The speech highlights the evolution of AI from focusing primarily on perception (like image recognition) to incorporating action and agency. This means AI systems are moving beyond just understanding the world to interacting with it and taking actions.
Building AI for Human Augmentation: The vision is to create AI that augments human capabilities, making people more productive, creative, and capable. AI should be a tool to empower humans, not replace them.
Importance of Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Developing human-centered AI requires collaboration across disciplines, including computer science, social sciences, humanities, and ethics. A broad range of perspectives is needed to ensure AI aligns with human values.
Addressing Ethical and Societal Implications: The speech stresses the importance of considering the ethical and societal implications of AI development. This includes issues like bias, fairness, privacy, and accountability.
Call for Responsible AI Development: Li Fei-Fei advocates for responsible AI development, urging researchers, policymakers, and the public to work together to shape the future of AI in a way that is beneficial and equitable for all.
Inspiration from Human Intelligence: Drawing inspiration from human intelligence, the speech suggests that AI should strive to understand and emulate human-like qualities such as common sense, adaptability, and empathy.
AI as a Force for Good: The overall message is optimistic, portraying AI as a powerful force that can be used to solve some of the world's most pressing problems and improve human lives, if developed responsibly and with a human-centered approach.
人工智能的未來應以人為本: 李飛飛強調,人工智能的未來應該以造福人類、服務人類需求為中心。人工智能的設計和開發應將人類價值觀和目標置於首位。
從感知到行動: 演講重點介紹了人工智能的發展,從主要關注感知(如圖像識別)到納入行動和能動性。這意味著人工智能系統正在超越僅僅理解世界,轉向與世界互動並採取行動。
構建用於增強人類能力的人工智能: 願景是創造能夠增強人類能力的人工智能,使人們更有效率、更具創造力、更有能力。人工智能應該是賦能人類的工具,而不是取代人類。
跨學科合作的重要性: 開發以人為本的人工智能需要跨學科合作,包括計算機科學、社會科學、人文學科和倫理學。 需要廣泛的視角來確保人工智能符合人類價值觀。
應對倫理和社會影響: 演講強調了考慮人工智能發展的倫理和社會影響的重要性。 這包括偏見、公平、隱私和問責制等問題。
呼籲負責任的人工智能發展: 李飛飛倡導負責任的人工智能發展,敦促研究人員、政策制定者和公眾共同努力,以對所有人有利和公平的方式塑造人工智能的未來。
從人類智能中汲取靈感: 演講從人類智能中汲取靈感,表明人工智能應努力理解和模仿類似人類的品質,例如常識、適應性和同理心。
人工智能是向善的力量: 整體信息是樂觀的,將人工智能描繪成一種強大的力量,如果以負責任和以人為本的方式開發,可以用於解決世界上一些最緊迫的問題並改善人類生活。make
Colloquial summary - rephrase the summary using more casual and spoken language in Traditional Chinese. 口語化,用更輕鬆的講法:
Colloquial summary - rephrase the summary using more casual and spoken language in Traditional Chinese. 口語化,用更輕鬆的講法:
AI 未來要以人為先: 李飛飛講,AI 最重要是幫到人,要諗住人點用得著、對人有乜好處。設計 AI 嗰陣,要將人的價值觀擺第一位。
AI 唔止睇嘢,仲要識做嘢: 以前 AI 主要係學人點睇嘢,好似認相咁。依家唔同喇,AI 要識得郁、識得做嘢、識得同個世界互動。
AI 係幫人叻啲嘅工具: AI 係要嚟幫人嘅,等人做嘢叻啲、諗嘢 creative 啲、能力勁啲。AI 係幫手,唔係要取代人。
唔同領域要一齊合作搞 AI: 搞好 AI 唔係淨係電腦科學嘅事,要 সমাজ科學、人文學科、倫理學嘅人一齊嚟諗。咁先可以確保 AI 啱人類用。
諗清楚 AI 嘅倫理同社會問題: AI 發展要諗埋倫理同社會影響,好似會唔會唔公平、有偏見、侵犯私隱、邊個負責咁。
要負責任咁搞 AI: 李飛飛話要負責任咁搞 AI,研究人員、政府、大家都要夾埋,一齊搞好 AI,等佢對大家都好、又公平。
學人類嘅聰明: AI 要學人類點樣醒,好似 common sense、識變通、識體諒人咁。
AI 可以做好嘢: 總之,AI 係好勁嘅嘢,如果用得好,可以解決好多世界難題,改善大家生活。但前提係要負責任咁搞,同埋以人為本。
AI 未來要以人為先至得㗎: 李飛飛話,搞 AI 最緊要係幫到人,要諗吓點樣用得著人哋、對人有乜嘢好處。設計 AI 嗰陣,要將人嘅價值觀擺喺第一位先啱。
AI 唔單止係睇嘢,仲要識郁手做嘢㗎: 以前啲 AI 主要係學人點樣睇嘢,好似認相噉。而家唔同嘞,AI 要識得自己郁、識得做嘢、識得同個世界互動先得。
AI 係幫人叻啲嘅架生嚟㗎: AI 係要嚟幫人嘅,等人做嘢醒啲、諗嘢 creative 啲、本事勁啲。AI 係助手,唔係要嚟取代人哋。
唔同範疇嘅人要夾手夾腳搞 AI: 要搞好 AI 唔係淨係電腦科學嗰班人嘅事嚟㗎,要 সমাজ科學、人文學科、倫理學嗰啲專家都一齊嚟諗計。噉先至可以保證 AI 真係啱人類用。
諗清楚 AI 嘅倫理同埋社會問題: 搞 AI 發展都要諗埋倫理同埋社會影響,好似會唔會唔公平、有偏見、洩漏私隱、邊個孭飛負責噉。
要負責任噉樣搞 AI 至得㗎: 李飛飛話要負責任噉搞 AI,啲研究人員、政府部門、大家都要合作,一齊搞好 AI,等佢對大家都好、又公平公正。
要學吓人類嘅醒目: AI 都要學吓人類點解咁醒,好似 common sense、識得變通、識得體諒人哋感受噉。
AI 其實可以做好多好嘢㗎: 總之,AI 係好犀利嘅嘢嚟㗎,如果用得啱,可以解決好多世界性嘅難題,改善大家嘅生活。但係前提係要負責任噉搞,同埋要以人為本至得。
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