Born Different 一個美麗的家庭

Our Incredible Girl With No Arms | Born Different

The parents are really amazing for adopting these two beautiful girls ❤️

一個無臂的 11 歲女孩展示了她可以用腳做的令人驚奇的事情——包括騎馬、十字繡和在早餐時打雞蛋。索菲·格林生來就沒有手臂,但她從不讓手臂阻礙她。真正第一次與 Sophi 一起拍攝是在她 7 歲時,從那時起發生了很多變化。 Sophi 告訴 Truly:“我在讀五年級,我對馬很著迷,我養了一隻新狗——他的名字叫 Baxter。”

在視頻中,Sophi 展示了她早上的例行公事,穿衣打扮,步行 Baxter,甚至用腳為她的早餐做煎蛋三明治。索菲最近學會了騎馬,一開始她的母親克里斯蒂安很緊張。 “但她一直堅持,她只是下定決心”,克里斯蒂安說。索菲希望她的故事能給其他可能在自信心中掙扎的人帶來希望。她說:“對於那些身患殘疾或現在正處於艱難時期的人,就做你自己吧。” “當你生來就脫穎而出時,你無法適應。

”An Armless 11-year-old girl shows the amazing things she can do with her feet – including riding a horse, cross-stitching, and cracking an egg for breakfast. Sophi Green was born without arms, but she’s never let that hold her back. Truly first filmed with Sophi when she was 7 years old, and since then a lot has changed. Sophi told Truly: “I’m in fifth grade, I have an obsession for horses, and I have a new dog - his name is Baxter.” 

In the video Sophi shows her morning routine, getting dressed, walking Baxter and even making a fried egg sandwich for her breakfast with her feet. Sophi has recently learned to horseback ride, something her mother Christianne was nervous about at first. “But she kept persisting and she was just determined”, Christianne said. Sophi hopes her story will give hope to others who may be struggling with their confidence. “For anyone out there with disabilities or just having a hard time right now, just be you”, she said. “You can’t fit in when you’re born to stand out.”

Videographer: Christianne Green and Taylor Green
Producer: Kate Moore, Ruby Coote
Editor: Shiona Penrake

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