Rape of Nanking 南京大屠殺

Rape of Nanking 華裔女作家張純如一支筆的力量 窮一生捍衛南京大屠殺歷史真相

南京大屠殺是一場民族浩劫,西方社會竟然完全漠視,全靠張純如以英文撰寫 《南京大屠殺─被遺忘的二戰浩劫》一書,將日軍暴行公諸於世﹗

The Nanking Massacre was a national catastrophe that was completely ignored by Western society. It was all thanks to Zhang Chunru's book "Nanjing Massacre - The Forgotten Catastrophe of World War II" written in English, which made the Japanese atrocities public to the world!

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